Book Inclusion

Hey again guys!

Thank you so much for everything you have all done for me through my publishing journey. I honestly can’t thank you enough.

Okay, so I have a little secret for you. Any of you who reviewed The Best Thing For Me will get your name (only if you want of course) on the Acknowledgements page! If you want your name in my book, all you have to do is a review on Amazon, there’s still time left! Your name will be in both the Kindle and Paperback version.

You just have to sign up to my blog so we know what name to put in the book. Imagine yourself in forty years, your grandchildren around you and telling them that you’re in a book! Might earn you some cool points with them.

My publisher will be adding names next week so it’s best to get in now if you want to be involved. You just have to put the name you used to review the book itself and your email, just incase there are any issues with the review. You’ll also receive an email to confirm you’ll be in the book.

Also, the 20 free digital copies giveaway is ending in less than 2 days. If you leave a review on Amazon today and win a copy, your name will immediately be on the book before it gets republished next week.

Thaaaaaank you for reading and again, thank you for being the amazing people you are!

Lots of love,
Lauren xx